
Brief description of how it works

Circuit 1 – closed

Use of geothermal energy (in the 100° to approx. 800°C range), because it is environmentally friendly for all times. In two drilling stages, heating register holes are drilled underground for the underground circuit.
Energy is converted here from geothermal energy into water vapor energy and then into mechanical energy using steam piston cylinders.
This is used to drive air piston pumps (or better pumps). Attention, natural gas entry must be ruled out at this point!
The steam cylinder/compressor unit should be structurally as small as the borehole and already fully assembled for easy replacement underground in order to avoid system interruptions (condition). The units are arranged like a carousel in a flat circle. The honeycomb-like structure of the aggregates means they can withstand the expected mountain pressure, weather and thermals at this level.
If a high air volume output/electrical energy requirement is required, a second hole is necessary as a cooling tower for the DKA (steam compressor unit) circuit.
Again, make sure the system is closed, as there may be a risk of explosion if mine gases enter. (Specialist consultation, e.g. with TU Freiberg/Germany) If I have aroused your interest, please contact me.

Circuit 2 – closed

Compressed air energy is directed upwards into a special boiler or boiler system located below the surface of the earth. Supply lines should be laid in an energy-saving, intelligent and flood-protected manner.

Circuit 3 – open

  • Use 1 - Conversion to electricity with air motor-electric generator coupling, eternally environmentally friendly in 3 n 400 V (power current), traction current, 12 V mine current and others.
    - Light energy demand control, pilot project in the Sadisdorf copper mine (Germany)
  • Use 2 – for compressor cars, cars and trucks worldwide
  • Use 3 – Mine weather gas use filtered out of the mine air cooling by natural thermals
  • Use 4 – possibly developing mineral resources when sinking the shaft
  • Use 5 – decentralized secondary power plant construction for every village or village association with air filling stations (LTST)
    - Each city has several power plants, depending on energy needs, with air refueling stations (LTST)
    - Every energy-intensive company has its own power plant with air filling stations
    - Overland lines become unnecessary
    - Wind turbines and solar are recognized as dead ends
    - Elimination of coal/gas/nuclear power plants
    - Passenger traffic rail operation via magnetic field Siemens principle
    - Rail freight transport with electric locomotives
    - Cars and trucks with compressor engines
  • Use 6 – (Future) - Magnetic field railway operation in tubes around the world and extensive elimination of air traffic.

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Handwerksmeister Fritz, Hans, Lothar Rietzschel
Frauensteiner Str. 58
01744 Dippoldiswalde OT Sadisdorf, Sachsen
Telefon: 0176 42721483

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